Meditations August 1, 2023

Whatever He Says to You, Do It

To the casual bystander the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos might seem to be an idle tale. But for Christ and His Church it is the culmination of the life of this woman, whose role in the incarnation is pivotal and whose life is fully united with His Church.

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Meditations July 1, 2023

Do We Need the Prophetic Spirit in Our Times?

Our true God does not bless compromises in our faith and moral life. He is an impartial Judge and will bless or judge us according to our behavior.

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Meditations June 1, 2023

Pentecost: A New Community and a New Way of Life

The purpose of the Church as God’s New Community of faith is to redeem, sanctify, and deify its members, to make them truly members of the Body of Christ.

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Meditations May 1, 2023

Christ is Risen! What Do I Do Now?

Having just celebrated Holy Pascha, we have been filled with a great light – the Light of Jesus Christ. But with all of the energy and excitement of the past few weeks, I find myself asking “what do I do now?”

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Meditations March 1, 2023

Looking in the Mirror

This Lent as we do the tough work of purifying our senses through prayer and fasting let us not neglect the importance of reflection as a body of believers.

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