The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco Stewardship Ministry invites you to the 2023 Monthly Ministry Series, Our topics will continue to highlight the outstanding ministries in our Metropolis that will benefit your parish as well as your personal and spiritual growth, deepen your understanding of true Christian stewardship, and provide valuable information and insight into our ministries and how you can continue to serve the Church through your time, talent and treasure.
Download: Let Your Light Shine Flyer
A dialogue with about the call and challenge of being evangelists and how to practice evangelism at the parish and local level today within our own American context.
Download: Spread the Word, Call and Callenge Flyer
Bill Marianes is joined by guest presenter Father Stephen Vernak from Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church (OCA) in Harrisburg, PA, who shares his parish’s extraordinary work to increase Stewardship and parishioner engagement.
Join George Papageorge, M.F.T., Director of the Family Wellness Ministry, and Presvytera Pat Tsagalakis, Assistant Director, for an overview of the highly anticipated “REAL LIFE” Parenting from the Heart series. This engaging series combines psychological research and Orthodox Christian teachings to provide practical tools and valuable insights for Christ-centered parenting. George and Presvytera Pat share gems from two presentations “PLEASE UNDERSTAND ME! – Connecting with the inner life of our kids and “GAME CHANGERS” ~ Lessons for Parents from Sports Psychology”.
Download: REAL LIFE – Parenting from the Heart
Download: The Anastasimatarion
This seminar introduces the concept of icons and their use in the life of the Church, as well as the firsthand reflection of two of our own Metropolis priests, Rev. Father Michael Coureyand Rev. Father Tom Tsagalakis, both of whom are iconographers. They share and describe some of the icons created from their hands, and reflect on God's call in their lives to share the Gospel in form and color.
A dialogue on what our parishes can do to keep our youth and young adults engaged in the church amidst a society that is always pulling them away. Three speakers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to this topic: Eva Konstantakos – Director of Youth and Young Adul Ministries for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; Anna Teodosiadis – Parish Youth Ministry Director; and Eva-Marie Kailas, Co-chair of the 2023 Metropolis of San Francisco YAL Conference.
Host Steve Pappas welcomes Father James Kordaris and Joseph Kormos to provide a range of practical suggestions, latest perspectives, and experiences on Good Orthodox Christian Stewardship Practices.
Steve Pappas welcomes Steve Tibbs from the Metropolis of San Francisco Orthodox Parish Leadership Ministry, along with additional presenters, as they explore how parish ministries are instrumental to the life of a parish.