See then that you walk carefully, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15)

We're all committed to something: a career, an education, a workout, a diet, a TV show and so on. We're committed to listening, reading, and watching something every single day. Our children are also committed to school, sports and all kinds of activities. While these things may be considered necessary for our earthly lives and while leisure and entertainment may offer some needed relief at times, something is very wrong when these things take over our schedules completely, leaving us little time to care for the one thing that will matter to us when we die: the condition of our souls.

Time is the most valuable thing we have and tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone. How we spend our short time on earth will determine how we spend eternity in the new world. The problem is that keeping us busy with only worldly pursuits and keeping our attention constantly occupied is how the Devil keeps people from connecting with God. Every person must break free from this demonic deception that causes such spiritual blindness and which can eventually even lead to spiritual death and Hell.

How do we do this? By being committed to developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and integrating our Orthodox Faith into our daily lives at home, school and work. Your priest can share with you some simple ways you can do this for yourself and your family. Reach out to him!

Our merciful Savior Jesus Christ wants to be a part of our lives during the week as well and not just on Sundays. We dishonor him greatly and we jeopardize our salvation when we exclude him from our minds, our hearts and our lives during the week. But when we remember how much we depend on Him and invite him into our lives; when we humble ourselves and keep our relationship active with him as we do with our closest friends, when we make prayer, fasting and good works an essential part of our week, then Christ and his angels and saints will bless us, strengthen us and help us continue in peace, hope, faith and love through both the good and the challenging circumstances of our lives. But more importantly, it will lead to the healing, cleansing and sanctification of our souls.

The month of September marks the beginning of a new Church year. Chances are you will have many commitments this year again. But let us take stock of our commitment to our relationship with Jesus. Let us not neglect our relationship with God and ignore Him this year because we think work, school and our busy lives are more important than God who gave us the ability to work, go to school and live our lives! Let us not once again make everything else a priority over our relationship with God when he has made saving our souls His priority! Let us not once again spend money only on ourselves while people around us are suffering. Christ desires to give us his peace so that we can endure and overcome all the stress, anxiety, fear, conflicts and troubles this year may bring.

So where does the time go? It is God who created time and who gives us time on this earth. So maybe we should instead ask ourselves: where does God’s time go? Because one day He will ask us as well.