El Fin may be a common phrase to some avid movie buffs. In general, this term means that the movie is over. I am not a big movie goer, but I have noticed a theme in the few movies I have seen ending with El Fin. They pronounce, not just the simple end to a story, but a true conclusion, a purpose completed, and a destination reached. Contrasted to movies that don't conclude with El Fin, such as blockbuster action movies that follow simple formulas (e.g. introduce good guy, reveal bad guy, good guy beats bad guy, good guy gets the girl and lives happily ever after), they tend to just end rather than come to a true finish. Although satisfying that everything wraps up with a nice bow on top, such movies rarely leave a lasting mark on us as compared to those that end with El Fin.
There is a Greek word used by ancient philosophers, the Church fathers and throughout the scriptures that takes this concept even further. Telos (τέλος) describes the ultimate conclusion, fulfillment and completion of what the original and primary goal is of something. It is maximum strength El Fin. We see the power of this word being used when Christ calls out on the cross that it is finished.
“And this word Telos is taken up in the final cry uttered by Christ on the Cross: ‘It is finished’, tetelestai - τετέλεσται (John 19:30). This is to be understood, not as a cry of resignation or despair, but as a cry of victory: It is completed, it is accomplished, it is fulfilled.” (The Orthodox Way - Ware)
If we step back and reflect about where our life is going, we might find that we are living like a simple action film or rom-com, following a wordily formula of how we should live our lives: have fun childhood, get good education, have successful career, enjoy the fun of life, enjoy the golden years and die happy with as little suffering as possible. Nothing here is bad in itself, and these are blessings from God for sure. But a life following such a script doesn't lead us towards our vocation as humans. It doesn't lead us to the telos of our life, which is life with Christ for all eternity. Likewise, the lack of any of these blessings doesn't hinder or limit us from living a fully Christian life oriented towards Christ's eternal kingdom. Here is what St. John Cassian beautifully articulates that anything other than being oriented towards God's love will ultimately pass away.
"All gifts given for reasons of temporal use and need will surely pass away at the end of the present life. Love, however, will never be cut off. It works in us and for us, and not simply in this life. For when the burden of physical need has been laid aside in the time to come, Love will endure, more effectively, more excellently, forever unfailing, clinging to God with more fire and zeal through all the length of incorruption."
So what would it look like for us to not follow the script of the world, but embody the life of Christ? What would it mean to live daily being oriented towards our telos found in Christ and His Kingdom rather than just entertainment, wealth, and pain avoidance? It is important to periodically stop and consider 'rewriting' our daily 'script' to rebalance and reorient how we live towards our Savior; to deepen our love and service for others, continue battling our sinful passions, and worshiping the living God through our life in the Church. We should ask ourselves; do we want the end of the 'credits' of our life to simply scroll quickly by and the screen to turn black, or do we want to have 'El Fin' displayed showing that we have reached the Kingdom of Heaven, having lived a full Christian life, a life worthy of our calling as human beings?