The Latest News Within the Metropolis

Metropolitan's Messages September 10, 2010

Faithful Asked to offer Prayers, Assistance for Victims of San Bruno Fire

“Again we pray for the preservation of this holy Church…and every city and land, from the wrath of God, pestilence, famine, earthquake, flood, fire…and sudden death, and that our God Who loves mankind will be merciful, gracious and favorable towards us…”

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Metropolitan's Encyclicals August 31, 2010

Encyclical for the Feast of Indiction 2010

"Preserve marriages in peace and harmony; nurture the infants; instruct the youth; strengthen the elderly; give courage to the faint-hearted, reunite those separated; bring back those in error; defend the widows; protect the orphans…"

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Metropolitan's Encyclicals July 30, 2010

Encyclical for the Feast of the Dormition 2010

“O Mother of the living God, accept from us this burial hymn, and cover us with the shadow of your light-giving and divine grace.”

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Metropolitan's Encyclicals April 22, 2010

Paschal Encyclical 2010

“We have seen Christ’s Resurrection.”

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Metropolitan's Messages April 19, 2010

Assistance Needed for Victims of Earthquake in Haiti

As a spiritual family, we have been joined in prayer throughout these recent days, praying for our Lord’s mercy to be upon all those traumatized by the recent earthquake in Haiti. I implore you to maintain consistent prayers as a first step towards healing for the millions affected, either directly or indirectly, by this tragedy.

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