The Latest News Within the Metropolis

Metropolitan's Encyclicals August 29, 2012

Encyclical for the Feast of Indiction 2012

On September 1st the Church proclaims the beginning of a New Year and we begin our annual journey through the liturgical cycle seeking to experience Christ and His Grace.

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Metropolitan's Encyclicals August 1, 2012

Encyclical for the Feast of the Dormition 2012

"Open wide your gates and receive her who bore the Creator of heaven and earth." –Doxastikon of the Great Vespers for the Feast of the Dormition

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Meditations August 1, 2012

If the Truth Be Known

If the truth be known, all of us are sinners. For what others see is, for the most part, very different from the reality that we know to be our lives.

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Metropolitan's Messages July 24, 2012

Metropolis Begins Strategic Planning Process

A new Strategic Planning process begins to help provide us a road map to ensure we are being proactive in developing meaningful programs and ministries.

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Meditations July 1, 2012

Street Cleaners

The key to finding time for Christ is in applying basic spiritual disciplines known as ascetic practices.

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