On Saturday, October 17, 2020 His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos ordained Alexander Eliades to the Holy Diaconate, and on Sunday, October 18, Deacon Alexander was ordained to the Holy Priesthood. The services were held at the Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church in Novato, CA, the parish where Father Alexander spent many years of his youth.

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Father Alexander is a 2019 graduate of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School, and a 2014 graduate of University of California-Davis, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in History. Father Alexander will serve as the Assistant Priest at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Phoenix, AZ, where he previously served as Pastoral Assistant since June 2019. During his youth, he served regularly as an Altar Boy and participated in the Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival. As a young adult he served as a Summer Camp Counselor and as President of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship chapter at UC Davis.

Father Alexander and Presvytera Laura and their one-year old son Maximos reside in Phoenix, AZ. May God grant them all His abundant blessings!

AXIOS to Father Alexander!

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Photo Credit: Mellas Media