Friends and IOCC supporters,

Even through difficult times, we take comfort in the faith that unites us. That's why you're invited to the IOCC Remembering Home Virtual Event on Sunday, November 8 at 6 p.m. PST.

To help our humanitarian work continue at home and abroad, IOCC and the Metropolitan Committee of Northern California are planning an online Zoom event for us all to be together. You'll see friendly faces from the Bay Area, special updates from IOCC, plus an exclusive Q&A with our Executive Director & CEO Constantine Triantafilou. We would love for you to join us for this special virtual program.

Ioccremembering Home2020

Please register to participate in this FREE event, and invite friends who might be interested, no matter where they live — because our Remembering Home event is virtual, it's open to everyone. If you aren't able to join us live on November 8 but still want to help, your online donation is greatly appreciated!

IOCC's work continues at home and abroad, and we are so thankful for our volunteers and supporters who help serve people in need.