The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco Stewardship Ministry continues the monthly series “Equipping and Enriching Parish Life”. Please join us on Monday, December 19 at 5:00 p.m. PST for a special presentation on “Equipping a Stewardship Chair and Their Committee”. This webinar will be hosted by Metropolis Stewardship Ministry leader Steve Pappas who will welcome our dedicated and very knowledgeable presenters, Father James Kordaris and Bill Marianes. True Christian Stewardship brings forth the many talents, treasures, and time that God has provided each of us and is the foundation on which our parishes flourish. A great Stewardship program is led by a strong Stewardship Chair or Chairs. And these Stewardship Chairs only succeed with the support of a great Stewardship Committee. Come join us to hear from the leading Stewardship experts in our Archdiocese on how you can strengthen your own parish’s True Christian Stewardship. As always, come prepared to learn, to ask questions, and share your experiences with us.

For more information, please email or call 415-753-3075.


About Our Presenters

Profile Fr James Kordaris

Rev. Father James Kordaris

Director of Stewardship, Outreach & Evangelism for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Father Jim serves the Director of Stewardship, Outreach & Evangelism for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Before entering the seminary, he served in many capacities at his home parish of St. Mary’s in Minneapolis under the leadership of Rev. Father Anthony Coniaris. He served six years on the Parish Council including two years as President. He also served the parish as Bible Study leader, camp counselor, Festival Co-Chair, Stewardship Chair and more.

Profile Marianes2

Bill Marianes

Bill Marianes has been called a “stewardship calling evangelist” and “the Orthodox WHY guy.” For 36 years, he was a partner and in leadership for two global law firms with over 1,100 lawyers each, where he was managing partner of the Atlanta office and practiced in the areas of corporate law, mergers and acquisitions. He retired early so that he could “work” full time for free through his Stewardship Calling ministry to help people and parishes discover and live their stewardship callings so that they can have a good account before the awesome judgment seat of Christ.