This past Nativity season, local YAL In Your Backyard (YALIYB) chapters gave back to those in need. YALIYB, an extension of the YAL Conference ministry, is dedicated to extending the bonds of the young adult participants year-round at the local parish level, by creating a National Service Project.

Partnering with FOCUS North America, local YAL chapters across the nation provided essential toiletries and necessities to the most needy by preparing “St. Nicholas Sacks”. Emulating St. Nicholas’ works of charity, these Young Adults fundraised and purchased reusable tote bags, an assortment of hygiene items, and delivered them to a local FOCUS Center or directly to the less fortunate. Participating parishes spanned from Southern California; Northern California; Seattle, Washington; Bethesda Maryland; and Ocean Township, New Jersey.

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Kenny Kidd, FOCUS Executive Director, reflects on the project’s impact: “Whenever Orthodox faithful come together to build Christ's Kingdom in their communities, it is beautiful what the Holy Spirit makes possible. FOCUS North America was excited to come together with YAL during the Nativity Season, for the YAL In Your Backyard initiative, and look forward to future opportunities to serve at their side.”

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Diakonia is a central pillar of the YAL movement and continuing to come together and serve others highlights what St. Nicholas embodied throughout his life. YALIYB leader for the Metropolis of San Francisco, Nick Dudler, reiterates that “St. Nicholas teaches us through this project that although we are spiritually impoverished, together we can grow in love and faith through acts of service, especially during the Nativity fast period.”

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YALIYB is focused on bringing together young adults at the local level for one event per quarter to keep the spirit of YAL and keep young adults connected to one another and the church. To learn more or to start a YALIYB chapter at your parish, email