The St. Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine, located in Saint Augustine, Florida is delighted to present its second annual webinar, a presentation by Dr. John Fotopoulos entitled “Let Us Exercise In the Field of Scripture: The Correspondence between Augustine and Jerome for Orthodox Biblical Scholarship,” on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 the Feast of Saint Augustine of Hippo. The event is hosted online by the Department of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The free broadcast will be live-streamed and open to all (pre-registration required). The event will include live audience questions. For those who miss the live broadcast, the Shrine will archive this unique event on its website and Facebook page.
The webinar is part of a dual observance shared between the Saint Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saint Augustine. Both Orthodox Christians and Roman Catholics celebrate the memory of the prolific theologian of the fourth century, Saint Augustine of Hippo, though on different days. His legacy in Eastern and Western Christian traditions is markedly different. On August 28, the observance of the saint’s memory in the Roman Catholic Church, the Diocese of Saint Augustine will reciprocate in events as yet to be determined.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
- 8:30 a.m EST – Orthros and Divine Liturgy in the morning at St. Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine, Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos, Hierarchal Proistamenos, presiding (live-streamed on Facebook at
- 7:00 p.m. EST - Lecture. “Let Us Exercise In the Field of Scripture”
The Correspondence between Augustine and Jerome for Orthodox Biblical Scholarship
About Our Presenter

Dr. John Fotopoulos
Dr. John Fotopoulos is an associate professor in the Department of Religious Studies and Theology at Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana. He specializes in the New Testament and early Christian literature within the context of Greco-Roman society and culture.
About Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine of Hippo
Saint Augustine was born in the city of Thagaste in northern Africa. He was raised by his mother, St Monica (May 4), and he received his education at Carthage. In the capacity of professor of rhetoric, Augustine arrived at Milan, Italy where St Ambrose (December 7) was bishop. Under the guidance of St Ambrose, Augustine studied the Holy Scriptures.