Beloved in the Lord,
“If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.” –I Corinthians 12:26
Many of you are aware that the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America has been confronted with several challenges in recent months. While there have been many reports over the circumstances surrounding the financial health of the Archdiocese, please be assured that this matter is being addressed with great urgency by the Eparchial Synod and the Archdiocesan Council.
The statement from the Archdiocese further details on the important steps they are taking to rectify this situation. Significant progress is being made to bring these challenges under control and into full disclosure, and we must demonstrate patience, love and compassion until all matters are resolved. Additional information is also provided on the National Ministries Commitment program and how the recent meeting of the Archdiocesan Council impacted the allocations to the parishes.
These circumstances also call for us to be Christ-like in our behavior and work towards unity in mind and spirit, for the salvation of our souls that we may one day be counted worthy to enter into the Lord’s Heavenly Kingdom. The resolution of this matter will not materialize with harsh words or casting stones. Let us carefully contemplate the Lord’s words in the Gospel of Saint Luke, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.” (Luke 11:17) and instead, let our actions be guided by love and forgiveness.
With Love in Christ,
+ G E R A S I M O S
Metropolitan of San Francisco