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The Saint Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine, the first national shrine of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in America, is located in the Avero House, on St. George Street in St. Augustine, Florida, the oldest continuously occupied city in the United States of America. It was here, in the Avero House, that the survivors of the New Smyrna Colony found refuge following a decade of tragedy.
This National Shrine is dedicated not only to the memory of the first Greek Orthodox pioneers who arrived in the New World on June 26, 1768, but to all the following generations of immigrants who came to this New World seeking freedom, justice, and a better life for themselves and their children.
Today, the Saint Photios Shrine is a sacred, educational center where Americans of Greek ancestry may come to be refreshed in the wisdom and warmth of their cultural heritage. The Shrine is also a public place where all may come to honor and remember their own immigrant ancestors.