“This is the day of Resurrection, let us be radiant, O people; Pascha, the Lord’s Pascha. For Christ our God has passed us from death into life and from earth to heaven, we who sing the song of victory.” — Ode I from the Orthros of Holy Pascha

Beloved in the Lord,

It is, indeed, a time for celebration and rejoicing for we have seen the Lord’s Resurrection, we have seen Him conquer death, and we now have hope for eternal life! The joy of the Paschal Season is incomparable to any other throughout the year. People’s hearts are uplifted, the light of the Resurrection illumines their souls, and the joyful proclamation of “Christ is Risen” resounds in our churches and homes.

But, are we living the Resurrection? Are we truly taking the message of salvation beyond the celebration of Pascha and transporting it into our daily lives? This is the challenge presented to us by our Lord, to “live the Resurrection” in all that we do throughout the year; to carry this joyous message every day, and proclaim that Jesus is Lord.

To “live the Resurrection” means to walk with Christ. To “live the Resurrection” means to serve others as Christ commanded. The Metropolis of San Francisco, through a multitude of programs and ministries, is committed to living the Resurrection by providing support for our parishes and faithful throughout the year. Innovative programs in religious education, spiritual renewal, marriage and family enrichment and youth ministry are growing, but your support is vital to their sustenance and expansion.

I invite you to “live the Resurrection” with us and offer your support for the work of our Metropolis. Please accept my paternal blessings, love, and gratitude for your participation in our sacred mission.

May we live the Resurrection of Christ in all that we do and may His love fill our hearts and world with joy and peace!

Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!

With Love in Christ,
+ G E R A S I M O S
Metropolitan of San Francisco