“The storms of life do not frighten those whose hearts are ablaze with the light of your flame. Outside is the darkness of the whirlwind, the terror and howling of the storm. But in their souls reign quiet and light. Christ is there, and the heart sings: Alleluia!” — An Akathist in Praise of God’s Creation, Kontakion 5

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

During the last week, the devastation from Hurricane Sandy has impacted the lives of millions of people from the Caribbean and along the eastern coastline of the United States. The loss of life by means of a natural disaster such as this superstorm that roared through our oceans and land is difficult to comprehend, but we must remain faithful to God and trust His will in all things.

It is important that we come together during these times in prayer to God, seeking His compassion to bring calm to the winds and rain, restore wholeness to those who have been injured, and bring comfort to those who have suffered the loss of their homes, livelihoods, and beloved members of their families. We must also call to mind those in civil authority, who continue to risk their personal safety for the benefit of others – the police officers, firefighters, medical professionals and all those in public service – who have unselfishly offered their skills to alleviate the devastation that has occurred because of this storm.

While it may take weeks or even months for the areas distraught by this storm to regain normalcy in their routines, we must remain fervent in our supplications to the Lord for their continued peace and strength, that He will lighten their burden and that His Holy Spirit may bring them comfort.

Another way of demonstrating our love and support for the people who have been adversely affected by Hurricane Sandy is to share our financial resources to assist in the rebuilding of their homes and lives. Therefore, I am requesting that all parishes in our Metropolis offer a special tray on Sunday, November 11, as well as prayers for those who are suffering in the aftermath of this devastating hurricane. All donations should be sent to the Metropolis of San Francisco as we are working with the Archdiocese to see that these funds are delivered directly to the appropriate agencies to provide aid for those in need.

Extending my gratitude to each of our beloved faithful for your kindheartedness and benevolence, as well as for your continued prayers for the restoration of peace, I remain,

With Love in Christ,
+ G E R A S I M O S
Metropolitan of San Francisco