Music scholarship recipients 2025

The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco Music Ministry takes great pleasure in announcing the recipients of the 2025 Xenia Anton Desby and Dr. Frank Desby Memorial Scholarships.

This scholarship, begun in honor of Xenia Anton Desby for those wishing to study organ, was expanded in 2017 to include those wanting to deepen their faith and grow their skills by studying direction, singing, chanting, liturgics, composition, and accompaniment.  Since 2021 there have been 35 awardees, including this year’s recipients.

Chosen by a panel of trained musicians from a large group of fine applicants, the following eight excellent church musicians from across the Metropolis were awarded scholarships of $500 each to grow in their faith and musical skill to serve the Lord and their parishes.

Sofia Agranovich
St. Basil, Stockton, CA

Eleanna Bozonelos
Ascension Cathedral, Oakland, CA

Jonathan Brewer
Holy Trinity Cathedral, Portland, OR

Lucia Bury
Holy Apostles, Shoreline, WA

Despina Dagrizikos
St. Anthony, Reno, NV

Maria Daniels
St. John the Baptist, Beaverton, OR

Magnolia Rush
St. John the Baptist, Beaverton, OR

Stephen Young
St. Lawrence, Ben Lomond, CA

Congratulations and may your offering of music to the Lord be blessed.