“The more one is united to his neighbor the more he is united to God.” — Saint Dorotheos of Gaza

Dear Reverend Clergy and Esteemed Parish Council Members,

Each year the Metropolis Clergy-Laity Assembly affords us the opportunity to gather, as clergy and lay leaders, to share with you our progress, deliberate on important matters facing our Metropolis, and engage in dialogue and fellowship as brothers and sisters in Christ.  The 2012 Metropolis of San Francisco Clergy-Laity Assembly will convene at Saint Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center in Dunlap, California, beginning on Monday, January 16 at 2:00 p.m. and concluding by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 17.

At our upcoming Assembly, we are fortunate to have two very dynamic individuals – Rev. Father Nicholas Triantafilou and Mr. Theo Nicolakis – who are generously sharing their time and expertise with us, and I know you will find their presentations uplifting and inspirational, while providing practical examples of ways your parish can work together to achieve greater things for God’s glory! A detailed agenda is attached.

It is important that we have full representation from each of our parishes which includes:

  • The Parish Priest
  • The President of the Parish Council, and in his or her absence the Vice President, or in his or her absence any member of the Parish Council designated by it; and
  • Two members of the Parish elected by the Parish Assembly.

The Metropolis Clergy-Laity Assembly provides the opportunity for your voice to be heard. It gives our clergy and lay leaders the chance to better educate themselves regarding Church governance issues and makes them stronger and more effective in their respective parishes. It provides a forum that promotes Christian fellowship and the sharing of resources.

The complete registration materials are attached. Your timely response is requested by December 30, 2011. Please plan your schedules accordingly and plan to arrive promptly, coming with an open mind and heart, ready to learn and willing to share.

Praying that the Lord may grant you His infinite blessings along with His love, peace and mercy, I remain,

With Love in Christ,
+ G E R A S I M O S
Metropolitan of San Francisco