George Papageorge/Presv. Pat Tsagalakis
“Connecting individuals, couples, families and clergy through the heart toward healthy Christ-centered relationships.” –Family Wellness Ministry Mission Statement
Our Family Wellness Ministry is committed to providing resources, training, support and information through seminars and workshops to church communities, individuals, families, lay and clergy alike, and who are struggling to repair broken relationships and who want to create deeper connections.
We have been created by God to connect with others face-to-face and heart-to-heart. We are called by our Lord to love, to listen, to care for and comfort. The Family Wellness Ministry of the Metropolis of San Francisco is established to bring families and loved ones together, to connect through the heart for deeper Christ-centered relationships.
In our Family Wellness Ministry, we like to say: “Welcome Home to Family Wellness!”
This reflects our sentiment that we, collectively, are the family of God, and amazingly described in the scriptures as the “body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:12–31). We are family because of God’s merciful love, and we are His body so we are called to carry out His healing work. This is so powerfully described the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37) where the Lord says: “Go and do likewise!”
We hear that as a call to meet people where they are, see them without judgment and extend compassion — this is the premise of Family Wellness Ministry! We are excited to meet YOU where you are — let’s connect!