Contact Person

Fr. Gerasimos Markopoulos


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To help establish the direction of the program, Clergy completed a comprehensive survey designed to identify their leading areas of interest and need. Based upon feedback and discussion, the key components of the CCE are:

  1. Clergy Portal. This “Clergy-only” section of our website will enable our Clergy to have an internet “home” allowing for the exchange of ideas, materials and development information.
  2. Webinars. Online, small group programs will be offered to Clergy on a regular basis.
  3. Seminars. Face-to-face local and regional programs will be provided to supplement the annual Clergy Retreat.
  4. Audio Library. Samples of liturgical music, special hymns and chanting will be made available online in order to assist Clergy in the development of their skills and knowledge in these areas.
  5. Course Catalog. A semi-annual listing of courses will be provided which will enable Clergy to select programs most meaningful to them.